November 9, 2019

Another year at the Craft Show handing out free bookmarks.

Sister Barb Marshall has her handmade cards and “Barbie Pins” ready to sell.

Customers picking out some cute pins.

Linda’s sister-in-law Nora Bieszak stops by with pictures of her new twin grand-babies.
This year had a much smaller crowd for all the vendors so our sales were down. But, I was happy so many people stopped by to tell me they had already bought my book and really enjoyed it. It was great to get so much feedback at one time and know that the story of “Golden Memories” is being passed along to so many people.
July 31, 2019
“Golden Memories”
in their Country Store

Linda thanked Bill Turner for his interest in promoting reading.

Display in the County Store

Stop by and check out all their items as well as delicious, fresh bakery items from Debbie’s Kitchen.
Spring Vendor Show to benefit
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Harmony Baptist Church
5106 E. Bristol Rd., Burton Michigan
My sister Barb and I were privileged to be a part of this event to raise money for “Rebecca’s Reason“, a charity whose mission is to “Provide financial assistance to families who have lost a child or received a life-limiting diagnosis for a child.” For more information please visit:
Along with 30 other vendors we worked our tables and enjoyed the good turn out for this worthy fundraiser. We were also highlighted on live Facebook posts throughout the day to let people know about the event.

Barb and Linda are all set up and ready.

Along with her handmade cards, Barb had her cute handmade pins.

The pins were a great seller as soon and everyone found out they were “the latest and greatest” thing.

Linda and Barb with Sarah Curtis, Founder of Rebecca’s Reason

Checking out Barbs cards and pins.

Linda presenting Sarah with “Golden Memories” and donation from our sales.

Announcing the winner of the Vendor prize.

What a surprise – Linda won a beautiful handmade Easter wreath!
Author’s Event
March 11, 2019
St Paul Lutheran School, Millington, Michigan

left to right: Sabine Weaver, poetry published through Millington High School “2018 Rising Stars Collection”, Kevin Courtney, author of “First Two Years of a Rookie Cop“, Henry Gaudreau, author of “The Collingwood Legacy“, Marci Draper, author of the soon-to-be-published children’s book “Ferwood Foxes On The Go“, and Linda Ann Lewis, author of “Golden Memories”
This event was sponsored by the GFWC Millington Junior Women’s club and organized by club President, Jody Dean. She had the other authors and I meet at McPherson’s Restaurant to get to know each other and enjoy lunch together. Then we all headed to St Paul Lutheran School to speak to the students. There were two groups of children: 3rd – 5th and 6th – 8th grade. They were such a nice group of students and attentive to all we had to say. As I spoke about my book “Golden Memories”, I also had some visual aids to help tell the story that takes place right in their town of Millington. I read a portion of a chapter to the students and answered some questions they had. I was also able to give all the students and teachers a handmade bookmark. This was such a great experience to interact with the students and pass along my family history story in such a special way.

Linda presented her book and read a portion of “Golden Memories” to the students. She had them come up and lift the bucket that her great-grandmother would have used as a girl when she drew water from the spring. She also explained that the story takes place in Vassar and Millington, Michigan, just down the road from their school.

Henry Gaudreau’s presentation about the ways he researched his book: “The Collingwood Legacy”

Kevin Courtney, author of “First Two Years of a Rookie Cop” talks with the 6th – 8th grade students.

Marci Draper shows the cover of her soon-to-be-published children’s book: “Ferwood Foxes On The Go”

Millington High School student Sabine Weaver, read some of her poetry that has been published in the “2018 Rising Stars Collection“

Thanks to Jody Dean, President of GFWC Junior Women’s Club and her members for all their work putting on this event to highlight “March Reading Across America”. Also, thanks to St. Paul Lutheran School for hosting, and all the students who welcomed us and were such a pleasure to meet.

The Author’s Event also made the local paper.
Pam’s Country Charm
8095 N. State Rd., Davison, MI
(out of business 2021)
Thanks for selling copies of Golden Memories
Otisville Lioness Craft Show
Forest Township Hall
Saturday, November 10, 2018
It was another great day teaming up with my sister Barb Marshall as we went “on the road again” for this special event so close to home. Barb sold her handmade cards and had beautiful Christmas cards that were very popular. I did well with “Golden Memories” selling and signing many copies to local friends and family. We both had a great time talking to all the folks who stopped by our table to visit. Thanks to all for your support. We are truly grateful to God for all His blessings!
Barb and Linda are ready to go.
Barb with her handmade cards.

Roberta Mohamedally, Lorna Campbell and Barb

Nora Bieszak picks out her free bookmark.

“BABY LOVE” – My friend Lynnae Millard had a table with her adorable baskets.
Author Beverly Lewis had a Book Signing at
Faith Christian Store in Flint, Michigan
Friday, September 7, 2018
I was first in line to have Beverly Lewis sign copies of her newly released Amish book “The First Love”. It was such an honor to be able to present her a copy of my book “Golden Memories” and to tell her that she is a true inspiration and example to me and so many readers and writers around the world. What an exciting experience it was to meet her in person.

Here I am presenting Beverly with a copy of my book.

Beverly Lewis asked me if we were related. I said that I was sure we weren’t. That was a funny moment that I didn’t expect.

What a humble and gracious lady. She took time with each person to sit beside her and visit with them as she signed books and posed for pictures.

My friend Lorna Campbell was also there to get her books signed and have a nice chat and picture with Beverly.
WMPC Radio Interview – “Off the Bookshelf” with host Greg Bullen – August 3, 2018 (click the link to listen)
Saturday, August 4, 2018
10 am to 4 pm
“Vintage on Folsom Farm”
3986 Otter Lake Rd., Otter Lake, MI
What a wonderful time my sister Barb Marshall and I had at this event! The Folsom Farm was such a beautiful and welcoming setting for us and all the other vendors. Many people stopped by who knew us growing up in Otter Lake and attending LakeVille High School. Also, there were so many people who loved and remembered our mother, Norma Gee. It was a blessing to connect with all of them and many new people who purchased a signed copy of “Golden Memories” and Barb’s homemade cards. My mother would be so happy that this day was so successful for her girls, and was held on the family farm of her friend (Onalee Folsom) from the Otter Lake Methodist Church. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and all the wonderful support and encouragement.

Our table setup inside the barn.

Linda and Calleen (Barnes) Ozdowski catch up from their time at LakeVille High School.

Barb with her beautiful card display.

This picture caught the Book Trailer video at the “Readers Reviews”. I was handing out free handmade bookmarks that Barb made.

Another LakeVille grad, Cliff Stockton stopped by to chat.
This event was sponsored by:
Millington Arbela District Library
Open House for new Director: Cora Schaeff
June 4, 2018
Here is Director, Cora Schaeff with a copy of “Golden Memories” that is now available at the Millington Arbela District Library. It contains so much local history about Vassar and Millington that it should be of interest to many people who live in the area. When I visited there, I could look over the back fence and see the house where my grandparents Bill and Lucille Throop lived for years. I have many fond memories of visiting there and even though the house has been renovated since then, I can still walk through every room in my mind.
“Vintage in the Village” at Crossroads Village was held on Saturday, May 19, 2018
Golden Memories booth was located in the Mill Street Warehouse
Despite the rainy weather, the event hosted a large crowd to check out more than 60 vendors. My sister Barb Marshall and I were at our booth to greet people with a free bookmark and where they could purchase a signed copy of “Golden Memories” or a handmade card. It was good day and we enjoyed meeting and talking to people along with some friends and family that stopped by the booth. Thanks to my daughter Katie Heid and son Adam Lewis for their support and to Barb for all the time and work she put into making her beautiful cards and working with me at the booth.
A highlight for me was when Cheryl Gawne, a descendant of Graff Gawne’s family (from the book) stopped by to have me sign her book. It is amazing to me to find out that many people besides my family have been blessed by the story in “Golden Memories” and discovered the pictures that their families had never seen.
For those who may have missed this event, I still have copies of my book available to purchase if you would like to contact me.

Katie & Adam stopped by the booth.

The booth is all set up and we are ready to go.

Barb handing out free bookmarks.

My sister Barb Marshall with her handmade cards.

Linda meets Cheryl Gawne
WMPC Radio Interview – “Off the Bookshelf” with Greg Bullen – March 15, 2018 (click to listen)
I had my first BOOK SIGNING at Faith Christian Store ~ Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017

Judy Climer, President of Flint Area Right to Life, bought my first book.

My cousin, Margo (Vorce) Culp was a surprise visitor and so much fun to have at my book signing.

My sister-in-law Judi Lewis and I pose with her book.

My husband, Bill was a great support by greeting people at the table, and bringing me boxes of books.

Faith Christian Store staff did a great job of advertising my book signing on their Facebook page and and e-mail notices through the day.

I was thrilled after the success of my book signing, manager Kari asked to have some of my books to sell in the “Local Michigan Authors” section!

Screenshot from Faith Christian Store Facebook page during the book signing.
Thank you Lord, for blessing me in this special way. Many thanks to Kari, Elizabeth, Mike, and the rest of the staff for hosting and helping make it a wonderful experience for me. Also, thanks to my family and friends who came and supported me. Golden Memories is now available at Faith Christian Store in the Local Michigan Authors and Musicians section. Stop by and see their great selections of Bibles, books, Christmas gifts, music, children’s items, and meet their friendly staff. UPDATE: Golden Memories may now be ordered at Faith Christian Store.
The store is located at 4463 Miller Rd., Flint, MI (next to Panera Bread & across from Macy’s)
Faith Christian Store flyer Click the flyer for store hours and map for location.
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BOOK SIGNING OPEN HOUSE ~ Saturday, December 9, 2017
Centennial Farms Clubhouse ~ Burton, MI
My Open House was a wonderful success and I was so happy to see all the family and friends who came. I had a display table that included a chart of the Van Wagnen and Bailey family tree and history, photos, and the original journals written by my great-grandmother Ethel Van Wagnen, on which Golden Memories is based. This was a popular spot for family members to see their common ancestors and connect with relatives. There were some tasty refreshments and a great time greeting everyone who came to support me and get a signed copy of my book. I am so blessed! Congratulations to Door Prize winners: Nancy Sealey, Shirley Herner, and Joy Barber.
Special thanks to my sister Barb Marshall, son Adam Lewis, daughter Katie Heid, and husband Bill Lewis for all your help and support making this day so special.
I know my mother Norma Gee would have been thrilled that the family history and story was being passed on through the book that is dedicated to her and her mother Lucille (Van Wagnen) Throop.
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Van Wagnen Family circa 1910

Family helpers: Adam, Katie, and (Linda’s sister) Barb

Linda and friend Olga

Linda and sister-in-law Nora

Flowers sent from sister Penny and husband Louie

Signing the first book

Original journals written by Ethel Van Wagnen

Family history display


Ann Roat is ready for her book.

Thank you all for coming! Son Adam helps at the table with sales.

(left to right) Jim and Joan Ross, Linda, brother Mike Gee, and Dawn Ladd

Checking out the family history

Neil and Nancy Sealey, husband Bill, and Katie

Linda and daughter Katie

The Book Signing table was busy.