Bailey Family
This photo (although poor quality) is the earliest of the Bailey family. It is believed to have been taken circa 1907 in front of the little house John and Lucy Jane Bailey moved to after they were unable to live at the farm homestead in Vassar, Michigan.
Seated left to right: Lucy Jane Bailey, Lucille Jane Van Wagnen, Thalia Van Wagnen, John Bailey. Standing left to right: Lois (Bailey) Loss, Ethel (Bailey) Van Wagnen, Ella (Bailey) Willman
Pictures taken June 5, 1921 shows the Shoe Shop of Alfred Eugene Bailey in Rochester, Michigan

A.E. “Gene” Bailey

Ethel Bailey – circa September, 1892 – age 19, near her wedding to Henry Van Wagnen

Ethel Van Wagnen
September 16, 1967
Taken on her last birthday at the age of 94 years.