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New Release November, 2020
Price: $5.00 each (plus shipping)
Introducing: Carol Cory
and her newly published book
“Good Morning Jesus”
Price: $5.00 each (plus shipping)
Carol’s books arrived August 29, 2019

Linda and Carol rejoice in the publication of Carol’s book.
Note from Linda: It has been my privilege and joy to be able to help my dear sister in Christ, Carol Cory, realize her dream of publishing her book of poems: “Good Morning Jesus.” Carol has written all these heartfelt and inspiring poems, and I have been behind the scenes with typing, designing layout, advice, and help with areas I experienced publishing my own book.
Something you may not realize as you read Carol’s poems, is that she has Parkinson’s Disease which makes it very difficult for her to write, type, and do so many other things she used to enjoy. But, Carol is a fighter and an encourager. Her faith carries her through each day and is reflected in her words in the following poem entitled:
Parkinson’s CANNOT
(fill in the blank: Cancer, COPD, Depression, etc.)
Parkinson’s cannot
Cripple God’s love for me, or mine for Him.
Shatter hope
Erode my faith
Eat away peace
Destroy confidence
Kill friendship
Shut out memories
Silence my courage
Invade my soul with discouragement
Reduce eternal life
Quench the Spirit
or lesson the power of the resurrection.
change God’s love for you and me.
Unless WE allow it.
“Be of good courage for I have overcome.”
(You can, too.)
Love, Jesus
For more information you can reach Carol at: [email protected]